

IssuerUniCredit Bank GmbH 
Business UnitClient Solutions
AddressPiazza Gae Aulenti, Tower C, Milan - Italy
Phone+39 0230091311
Person in chargeNicola Francia

Unicredit Certificates

UniCredit Client Solutions provides institutional clients and firms – let them be small cap or multinational companies – the access to the biggest banking network in Central-Eastern Europe, with offices located in the most prominent world financial centers.

Client Solutions Product Lines exploit the high potential of the local networks of the Group and the expertise coming from the activities, services and products the Group deals with internationally.

For more than a decade, UniCredit Group has been one of the most active promoters of investment certificates in the Italian market, as well as one of the first issuer of such financial products. The Group maintains a leading role in the market, providing investment solutions embracing a wide variety of assets, like commodities, equities, indexes, currencies, and emerging markets.

UniCredit offers a variety of informative services on certificates, in order to promote a full awareness among potential investors. Information can be collected for free on the website www.investimenti.unicredit.it, where it is also possible to avail of free services and to subscribe to the free newsletters.

Information can be found on the website www.investimenti.unicredit.it or via phone at +39 02 700.508.389 (for calls from abroad) or 800.01.11.22 (for calls from Italy).
