

DistributorFideuram Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking 
Business UnitTrading Evoluto
AddressVia Montebello 18, 20121 Milano
Person in chargeAlessandro Forconi

FideuramDirect is a commercial brand dedicated to Fideuram’s digital banking services, the Private Banking Division of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, which owns companies in the world of financial and asset consultancy and trust services for the Group.

Fideuram is the first Private Bank in Italy and among the first in Europe with assets of over € 341 billion and an international asset management presence with expertise both on liquid markets and on private markets to support Private Bankers and their clients.

The bank, through FideuramDirect, aims to meet the needs of customers who wish to operate independently in investments and trading, providing a wide range of products and services dedicated to both the novice and experienced investor / trader and / or professional.

The bank offers different platforms, a modern web platform (Alfabeto 4Trader +), an advanced client platform (IW QuickTrade) and a mobile platform (App Trading +), which allow access to over 50 world financial markets, of which 34 are cash (28 equity, 6 bonds) and 17 derivatives (futures and options), for long and short, intraday and overnight operations, also with leverage up to 20x.