Banca Cesare Ponti


Nome EmittenteBanca Cesare Ponti S.p.A.
IndirizzoPiazza Duomo, 19 – 20141 Milan - Italy
Telefono+39 02 722771                                    
ResponsabileAndrea Mereta

Founded in 1871 in its historic Main Office in Milan, on Piazza del Duomo, and part of the Banca Carige Group since 2005, Banca Cesare Ponti has a long-established tradition in asset management and a solid expertise in Private Banking & Wealth Management services.

As of March 2021, as set out in the Banca Carige Group’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, Banca Cesare Ponti has become the driving force of Private Banking & Wealth Management expertise and services for the entire Group, with approximately 130 Bankers available operating over 29 Private Banking branches throughout the country and applying the concept Carige Private Banking by Banca Cesare Ponti, created to confirm the cooperation between the different identities of the Group in the same framework.

On 30 November 2021, Banca Cesare Ponti started the activity of structuring, offering, issuing and listing certificates on the SeDeX segment of Borsa Italiana. This milestone completes the Banca Carige Group's services offered to investors and customers that, to date, include the historic Private Banking activity, the activity of Wealth Management product factory, financial advisory, advisory services to institutional customers for investment solutions, non-financial advisory services (fiscal/legal, art advisory, real estate and trusts) and Ponti Lab, aimed at finding the best investment fund managers.

The Programme Certificati a Capitale Parzialmente e Totalmente Protetto (Certificates with Partial and Total Capital Protection), submitted to Consob on 27 October 2021, provides for Banca Cesare Ponti’s issue of a maximum of EUR 1,000,000,000 worth of Bonus, Cash Collect, Express and Protection-type Certificates.